Japan’s Rapid Increase of Male DV Victims (With comments by MGTOW Brother, below in text)

A Japanese YouTuber points out that domestic violence against men is on the rise in Japan. Men can also be arrested based on the mere accusation of a woman, even if no evidence exists to substantiate her claim! Japan is clearly another gynocentric country, despite media propaganda to the contrary.

At about 5:30 in the video, an interesting experiment is shown. If a man is seeing as aggressively grabbing or attacking a woman in public, several people come to the woman’s aid. If the situation is reversed though, people not only do NOT help the man, NOT ONE, but people find it amusing, to see a woman attacking him! Why is this so? Because we live in a gynocentric society! His feelings, and his safety do NOT matter to them AT ALL! Not even a TINY BIT! That is the world we live in, and that is why more and more men are opting out. Society is wrong. MALE LIVES MATTER!

Years ago, I once thought, if a woman is in trouble, I should help her, I should come to her aid, even if my own safety is at risk in doing so. Not that long ago, I told myself that I would gladly give up my life to protect women. That was what I thought good men did, that was what I had absorbed over the course of my life!  If a boat that I was on was sinking, I would stay behind if there were not enough life boats, so that a woman could take the boat, etc. Over time, I came to re-examine that view, and ultimately to reject it.

Why is a woman’s life more important than my own? Why do women’s feelings matter more than mine? I realized they are not more important. Women are not my moral superiors. Women are not kinder than I am, they are not more compassionate. They are not less violent. Women are not superior to men, and they are not deserving of preferential treatment over men. I know old habits are hard to break, but this is one we have to break. Stop putting the safety and well being of women, ahead of men!

Your life doesn’t matter less than a woman’s life. Your safety and well being do not matter less than a woman’s. Our society is based on a lie, the lie is, women are superior to men, and more deserving of compassion. They are not. Period! I was at a restaurant not too long ago. This was a high class place. A man was telling the owner, how his wife wanted to go there. He explained that “We go wherever she wants to go. She is the queen.” I felt a kind of instant revulsion. If this is a relationship of equals, should they not go where he wants to go, at least half the time? Why is she “the queen?” WHY!?

It seems to me, most heterosexual men in relationships with women, are living under a gynocracy. They usually are ferrying her around to wherever she would like to go. Most of their money is spent on her. They eat what she wants to eat. They watch what she wants to watch. Who died and made them queen? What makes these women so much more deserving than us? Answer: NOTHING! These women don’t respect their boyfriends or husbands, because you can’t respect someone who kisses your ass, as Ferris Bueller noted. You keep your relationship, if that’s what you really want. I’ll keep my freedom, my peace of mind, my money, my time, and most of all my self respect.

Of course, most relationships never get as far as marriage, and of the ones that do, half end in divorce. Once a man is divorced he may end up paying alimony the rest of his life. He may almost never see his children again. A host of bad things can and will happen to him. I can’t stop you from ruining your life, but I can give you a warning.

Women, especially women today, are dangerous. You mess around with them at your own risk, but more than that, you risk ruining the lives of your innocent children. If she gets pregnant, she may kill your child in the womb, or at birth. If she doesn’t do that, she may emotionally abuse them, and do everything in her power to estrange them from you. I don’t see how any sane man today can get married or cohabitate, even talking to a woman at this point puts you at risk for sexual harassment allegations.

As the violence women inflict on men increases, more and more men are going to wake up. More and more men are going to ask themselves, is this worth it? The more women violently lash out against men, the more men are going to ultimately escape their evil clutches, and run to freedom! We are the future for men!

You want to be loved? Get a dog! Adopt a dog from the pound, and save a life! Call a male friend, or visit one. Find hobbies, and interests, or pursue ones that you have already, but never had time to pursue. You can live a full and rich life without women, many of the greatest men in history did it, and you can too!

I enjoy travelling on my own when I can. I walk all over an area and explore it. I eat a nice meal, or pack one, I find interesting things to see and do. Often, I pack a schedule so full, I don’t have any time to feel lonely. If you fill your life with great experiences, friendship, hobbies, interests, and plans, you won’t have time to miss women!  In fact, if you were emotionally abused, on a regular basis, you may find you are happier than you’ve ever been without women!

– MGTOW Brother